Monday, 20 March 2017

Up-cycled welly-boot bird nest site

For a kid's school project they were challenged to up-cycle a pair of wellington boots, and we came up with this:
Welly boot nest box
No cameras this time around, a low tech project, but quick to do!

We also added some old wool to the eaves for optional nesting material - this was taken within a week, not for a nest in the boot, but for some other nesting site, and was re-filled today.  The boot is tucked into a shed roof overhang.  This nesting site would probably suit a robin who are partial to open-fronted nesting sites, and hopefully don't object to the previous owner's feet.


  1. Absolutely brilliant.

    Can't wait to see your footage!

  2. No cameras in this one Steve... Could prob squeeze a pi zero into the eaves, but adding illumination to a welly seems overkill to me :)

    1. Haha! It was just a pun. I hope you have found a use for the other boot.
      Robins and wrens have been known to choose unusual nesting sites, so you may well be lucky.

      Our blue tit box seems to have nest material inside every morning, but by lunchtime a bird comes in and removes everything. Don't know if its the same bird, Very strange.

  3. Sorry, a bit slow on the uptake..
    Nest Box 1 has had roosting blue tit for ages, who is half-heartedly adding some nesting material, there are a couple of boxes nearby between mine and the neighbours, I did wonder if they add a bit to them all in order to see which one the ladies like best?
